Popular Books on Odissi Dance & Music

Odissi (Dances of India) The repertoire, training and technique of today's Odissi is explained with a clarity that students of dance and aficionados of Indian performing arts will find of great value in understanding this lyrical art form.
Odissi Music Evolution Revival and Techniques This is the first work on Odissi Music in English. Odissi dance is receiving growing recognition all over the world as an important classical dance system of India. Odissi music is a cognate of Odissi dance in every sense of the term. To use Odissi music as the accompanying music with an Odissi dance number or even to replace Odissi music with some other local variety in ones repertoire one must be acquainted with the genesis, the cultural ethos and the technical subtleties associated with both Odissi
Odissi did exist as a distinctive style of dance about 2,000 years ago when Natyashastra, one of the ancient Indian treatises on dance and dramaturgy, was written. Aesthetic sensuousness, flowing movements and rare lyrical grace within a classical framework have won for Odissi dance an ever increasing clientele during an ever increasing clientele during last three decades.
Odissi the Dance Divine Adjudged Best Book, 2007, in the Art Book category by the Federation of Indian Publishers. A chronological survey of the form and style of Odissi, it explores its aesthetics and gives a brief outline of the architects and contemporary gurus of Odissi.
Odissi: An Indian Classical Dance Form Deals with the history, background, evolution and emergence of Odissi as a classical dance from India. This book traces the development of Odissi from a local ritual of temple dancers [Maharis] in the Jagannath temple, and the Gotipuas outside the temple in the 1940s to the internationally acclaimed Odissi dance.
Odissi: An Indian Classical Dance Form Deals with the history, background, evolution and emergence of Odissi as a classical dance from India. This book traces the development of Odissi from a local ritual of temple dancers [Maharis] in the Jagannath temple, and the Gotipuas outside the temple in the 1940s to the internationally acclaimed Odissi dance.